The conversation the other was on childhood games and how fun they used to be. Tag for example was great, particularly for the many variations that there were. Tag as i believe was someone being "it" and then everyone running from "it" and when tagged they themselves become "it" and so on and so on... Freeze Tag was a good one as well, Once again there is the "it" who chases and tags, tagged person becomes frozen until another rescues them by touching them, and then on and on, i think if you got tagged 3 times you became "it". In fact i don't know if the first tag is even a game, i might have fuzzy memories here. Flashlight tag was a good one as well, same concept except played at night with flashlights. No tagging is necessary, you need only be shined upon by "its" flashlight. Good times.
Now there's a reason that I'm describing tag, and its not just because I'm bored and procrastinating from cleaning the yard. I remembered a form of tag that no one was aware of, and i don't know if its because we made it up or just because i was talking to people who's childhoods were far from being as cool as mine. Right....
SO, T.V. Tag was a form of tag much like tag and freeze tag except that when "it" was upon you about to tag, you could simply squat on the ground and name a T.V. show and be safe. I keep thinking about it and how simply stupid the idea is. Was it hard for us to actually think up T.V. shows on the spot like that? And being "it"? must have been awful, because you'd always be it. Someone is always going to think up a show. How did we manage to entertain ourselves with this game? Am i imaging it? I must consult my fellow Kerhonkson friends and seek closure.
Saturday, June 02, 2007
Thursday, April 12, 2007
Thursday, February 15, 2007
OH yea...books!
So, one book down 29 to go. Not that great of a pace but I'm still confident.
I just recently re-read the Hobbit. Not sure if re-read is the right term because I'm not sure i ever actually read the whole thing. I think i read part of it, enough to make me seem like i was reading it and understanding it, way back around the age of 12. I didn't remember anything past Bilbo getting the ring, so it was great.
Anyway, i was quite pleased with it and had my usual feeling of sadness that I get when i finish a great book. The "i wish the story didn't end, now what?" thing.
I have also been reading Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs by Chuck Klosterman on and off. Almost finished with that so we're basically on 2 books down. That book is fucking hilarious, i highly recommend it to anyone who has a love of sarcastic gen x pop culture. Its one of those books that i wish i wrote. It kind of makes me sad when i read stuff like that because i feel like whatever and whenever i write now I'll just be ripping it off. But i think its something you can't avoid. And i should stop fooling myself and actually write something before i start critiquing my writing ability.
Currently reading Dry by Augusten Burroughs. Very good piece of memoir. Like a non braggartly A Million Little Pieces. (which i didn't believe before all the poo-poo blew up, just ask Sara Cina, we would argue about it) I'll Write more after i finish it.
I just recently re-read the Hobbit. Not sure if re-read is the right term because I'm not sure i ever actually read the whole thing. I think i read part of it, enough to make me seem like i was reading it and understanding it, way back around the age of 12. I didn't remember anything past Bilbo getting the ring, so it was great.
Anyway, i was quite pleased with it and had my usual feeling of sadness that I get when i finish a great book. The "i wish the story didn't end, now what?" thing.
I have also been reading Sex, Drugs and Cocoa Puffs by Chuck Klosterman on and off. Almost finished with that so we're basically on 2 books down. That book is fucking hilarious, i highly recommend it to anyone who has a love of sarcastic gen x pop culture. Its one of those books that i wish i wrote. It kind of makes me sad when i read stuff like that because i feel like whatever and whenever i write now I'll just be ripping it off. But i think its something you can't avoid. And i should stop fooling myself and actually write something before i start critiquing my writing ability.
Currently reading Dry by Augusten Burroughs. Very good piece of memoir. Like a non braggartly A Million Little Pieces. (which i didn't believe before all the poo-poo blew up, just ask Sara Cina, we would argue about it) I'll Write more after i finish it.
Who reads this anyway?
Maybe I'm confused by this whole process, but who even reads this? I have it linked off my myspace in a purely vain fashion. Of course random people will come across me and think "well this certainly is an interesting fellow, i am really interested in what kind of bad ideas he feels the need to write about." Huh...its all about keeping up appearances, i fancy myself such a smarty pants. ( As evident in using terms such as "i fancy myself"(and "as evident"(and whimsically writing about myself in this manner))) Man I'm clever...admit it, you love me. But back to the point at hand. Who are you? May i ask you to let me know. Who reads this? Who cares? Should i commit to writing more often, i know i should.
Once again, i know, i know that this is all a vain ego stroke type thing to give myself a sense of accomplishment or meaning, but just humour me here, its not much to ask.
By the way, i don't think that that was a proper way of starting a paragraph. I should be better at this, i should use my noodle. IS there a Grammar editor program? Anyone, anyone?
Once again, i know, i know that this is all a vain ego stroke type thing to give myself a sense of accomplishment or meaning, but just humour me here, its not much to ask.
By the way, i don't think that that was a proper way of starting a paragraph. I should be better at this, i should use my noodle. IS there a Grammar editor program? Anyone, anyone?
Monday, January 08, 2007
Word up Uncle Sam
So amazingly enough your boy got a raise. Opened up my paycheck today and was pleased to find that it actually was worth something. $48.54 for 2 weeks worth. BOOOOM!!!! Somehow the powers that be realized that server minimum wage should be more than $2.13 and hour. Now my company being nice has paid me $2.50 and hour, shit yeah. Which resulted in some remarkable paychecks the likes of $1.32 if anything at all. So i received a 50% raise,up to an astounding $3.75 an hour! I almost teared up. Is it a bad thing that I'm proud of this like its some kind of accomplishment? Like i only received this because I've worked in restaurants for 10 years now, and that I've earned it. Not that the government just finally kind of got there shit together?
Its the little things that matter.
Can't sleep, might as well write
So i decided just this very second that I'd give meself a little project/assignment on this here thing. I vow for as long as i can manage (3 days?) to write about one of my many many glorious resolutions for the year.
I'm thinking that right now i should list all of the ones i can think of right now and then take the task of writing about them later. This will hopefully cut down on the forgetfulness factor and increase the likelihood of completing said mission.
IN no particular order...
Quit smoking (alright i basically did this already so i should instead say continue to not smoke)
Continue to not smoke
Stop Talking Shit
Play more Golf
Stop Being a Grouch/Miserable Hard On
Read 30 Books
Either get Better job Or become Happier with Current Job
Get in Some Kind of Shape/ Go to Gym/ Run/ Work out Whatever (ugh.... i hate this one)
Turn 30
Write Something Truly Awesome
Fix Credit/ Get out of Debt
Figure out A Way To Be Happy Each Day
Walk Dog More Often
Get Organized
That Should keep me busy for a couple of days me thinks... plus i just looked at it and realized that only a couple are really resolutions, the others are just a list of things to do.... I'm still gonna try to babble about it though
I'm thinking that right now i should list all of the ones i can think of right now and then take the task of writing about them later. This will hopefully cut down on the forgetfulness factor and increase the likelihood of completing said mission.
IN no particular order...
Quit smoking (alright i basically did this already so i should instead say continue to not smoke)
Continue to not smoke
Stop Talking Shit
Play more Golf
Stop Being a Grouch/Miserable Hard On
Read 30 Books
Either get Better job Or become Happier with Current Job
Get in Some Kind of Shape/ Go to Gym/ Run/ Work out Whatever (ugh.... i hate this one)
Turn 30
Write Something Truly Awesome
Fix Credit/ Get out of Debt
Figure out A Way To Be Happy Each Day
Walk Dog More Often
Get Organized
That Should keep me busy for a couple of days me thinks... plus i just looked at it and realized that only a couple are really resolutions, the others are just a list of things to do.... I'm still gonna try to babble about it though
Tuesday, January 02, 2007
Strange thing is i woke up and everything was the same.

I got aggravated Monday morning when i drove to work and found out no matter how hard i wish and resolved i still had the same shitty job, oh well, maybe next year.
Good fun way to end year with a ShaBANG! Totally Wedding'd!
It was quite a lovely affair if i don't say so myself, i drank alot, but not to much, fucked shit up old school on the dance floor (believe it bitches) ate some delicious food like things and then drank some more. Maybe that wasn't the order exactly but you get the point. Weddings are weird, i always hate the hoopla, scheduling and order of it all. Seems like a big pain in the ass. But then that all gets done and you start to drink and celebrate and you're left with happy thoughts of a good time. So i guess for now I'm for wedding until the next one comes up and then I'll start to bitch about how much of a pain in the ass they are.
But in all seriousness, congratulations to Joel and Kristie. Big fun big fun.
As for new years...whatever. I don't really care much about it. I suppose it's nice to be with the person/people you love, do the midnight kiss and what not, but its just basically another fucking night. Except filled with cops and sloppy drunks. As for New years resolutions i made a few, as corny as it is. They're good ones though, so i feel no shame in it.
Alright 07 lets do this shit, haters as always can enjoy eating it.
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