Thursday, February 15, 2007

Who reads this anyway?

Maybe I'm confused by this whole process, but who even reads this? I have it linked off my myspace in a purely vain fashion. Of course random people will come across me and think "well this certainly is an interesting fellow, i am really interested in what kind of bad ideas he feels the need to write about." Huh...its all about keeping up appearances, i fancy myself such a smarty pants. ( As evident in using terms such as "i fancy myself"(and "as evident"(and whimsically writing about myself in this manner))) Man I'm clever...admit it, you love me. But back to the point at hand. Who are you? May i ask you to let me know. Who reads this? Who cares? Should i commit to writing more often, i know i should.
Once again, i know, i know that this is all a vain ego stroke type thing to give myself a sense of accomplishment or meaning, but just humour me here, its not much to ask.
By the way, i don't think that that was a proper way of starting a paragraph. I should be better at this, i should use my noodle. IS there a Grammar editor program? Anyone, anyone?


Anonymous said...

I is reading this anyway

Anonymous said...

I never, ever read this ... ever.